About Us

Established in 2003 by Tony Tay and his Catholic friends, Willing Hearts started by distributing unsold bread to homeless people. Thanks to strong continual volunteers and donors support, we've grown into a recognized Institution of Public Character (IPC) charity with extensive outreach programs.

Learn more about our various SERVICES.

Improving the lives of the underprivileged and marginalized by providing them with their “daily bread” and to help them become useful members of our society



To provide daily meal and other support services to the underprivileged, the needy, and other marginalized persons in Singapore, and to assist and guide them towards rehabilitating and reinstating themselves as useful members of our society.

Willing Hearts embraces “R.E.S.P.E.C.T” as our core value.

At the heart of our core values, we look towards respecting each other – donors, partners, supporters, volunteers, beneficiaries alike.


giving due regard for the feeling of others


being understanding and to share the feelings of another


being genuine


being tolerant


being moral, upright, honest, righteous, virtuous, honorable


being kind


being cooperative when working together in a group